I normally don't even bother posting updates on my OB appts or anything but I had a follow-up appointment today (due to an unresolved and repeated bladder infection) with one of the midwives and the appointment didn't go as well as I had hoped.
First off, I've gained 12 lbs. so far which my midwife thought was excessive since I'm not even halfway through pregnancy at this point. She also was concerned because my fundal height was 2-3 weeks ahead of where it should be. My uterus was right at my belly button which is where it should be at 20 weeks. Her biggest concern is that I might be looking at potentially having gestational diabetes. I asked her if we should go ahead and do the glucose test now but she said no, she still wants to wait until the standard 28 weeks to test. She said that even if I do have it, most of the rapid growth seen with GD occurs in the last 10-12 weeks of pregnancy. At this point the best course of action is prevention by controlling my diet and starting an exercise routine.
I have been put on a very strict "almost no sugar" diet. She told me to cut out all beverages other than water and the occasional unsweetened tea. No more than 2 pieces of fruit per day, very limited processed white sugars, and any time I eat a heavy carb meal or anything with sugar in it to eat some protein along side of it. She told me not to have more than 2 sweet treats like ice cream per week. Yikes! I know it's for the best and I'll do anything to keep me and baby girl healthy but holy cow this diet is going to be hard. She did tell me that it's still early enough that I can control my weight gain and hopefully prevent GD and having a large baby. If I do end up with GD then my hope for a VBAC is shot because that automatically puts me at high risk and they will only do a c/s at that point.
Is anyone else dealing with GD or potential GD? Or on a strict diet?
Re: A not so great doctor appointment today
Did she tell you to stay away from carbs? Isn't tha
I'm really sorry you had a cruddy appointment. Is there an OB or someone else in the practice you could get a second opinion from? When I was pregnant with DS, I was a little farther along than you when my fundal height started measuring bi
Married 8/18/12
Baby Jack's EDD is 9/18/13
You know what's interesting about this... I had my MW appointment last week and I was 13 weeks. She Said something similar to me about my uterus... My uterus is measuring at 20 weeks as well. Pretty much none of my pants fit well anymore. But non the l
A few thoughts.
With a family history of diabetes (type 1, type 2 and GD), and being overweight, I asked early on about how to minimize my risk of GD. My mw made the same suggestions as yours, which I followed to a T (till m/s started...).
I can kind of see why she isn't worried about doing the test and wants to be aggressive with your diet. I think she is just trying to do everything possible to ensure a chance of VBAC. If you do the test now and pass, it doesn't mean you ar