April 2013 Moms

so I said to her . . .

This morning my coworker says to me "Wow. You sure have gotten big lately." I turned to her and said "What is it about pregnant women that make people say the dumbest things to them?" She just kind of laughed then complimented my dress. She has been making comments about my weight and size for months, and I'll bet she still doesn't get the hint. I'm due in 12 days; everyone else says "o you look so good." Why is she so insecure about herself that she has to make negative comments? She's almost 60 years old. There is no competition here, lady. Ugh.
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Re: so I said to her . . .

  • Ya, "getting big" generally happens at the end of a pregnancy, what a henious B!
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  • I know the feeling! I hate going to town because everyone and there dog has topoint out that im pregnent , very irritating!
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  • What makes people think that its ok to say things like to pregnant women? I had a coworker tell me the same thing and all I can think is......I have a human being growing inside me, what do you expect?
  • I got "you look tired" today. People suck.
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  • Agreed. I saw a former coworker 2 days ago, and she commented on my profile picture (see siggy) and said, "Yeah, your belly has gotten big, but I can't believe how huge your butt has gotten!" This is in line with the comment from another coworker 6 wee

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  • imagetinychefjackson:

    Agreed. I saw a former coworker 2 days ago, and she commented on my profile picture (see siggy) and said, "Ye

  • none5none5 member

    Agreed. I saw a former coworker 2 days ago, and she commented on my profile picture (see siggy) and said, "Ye

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • imagetinychefjackson:

    Agreed. I saw a former coworker 2 days ago, and she commented on my profile picture (see siggy) and said, "Ye

    BFP #1: 08/17/2012  DD1 born 05/01/2013

    BFP #2: 07/31/2015  M/C 09/23/2015 (11.5 weeks)

    BFP #3: 12/16/2015 DD2 born 8/27/2016
  • imageFremdschamen:

    How is it ever appropriate to comment on the size of a co-worker's butt? I wouldn't even comment on the siz

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  • Good for you! I'm definitely getting more snippy in my responses to rude comments as this pregnancy progresses haha.
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    BFP #1: 5/10/12; 5/22/12: pregnancy deemed not viable (probably CP)
    BFP #2: 8/2/12; Due date: 4/14/13, DD born 4/5/2013
    BFP #3: 11/2/14, Due date: 7/7/15
  • Freaking annoying.. How effin rude.

    The annoying comments I have been getting are surprisingly from moms!

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