Does anyone else have issues with people bring up age, length of marriage, and number of kids that you already have? Apparently people in my neighborhood (base housing) think that it's okay to talk mess. I don't think 24 is too young to have 3 kids. I had my first two really close together and we spaced out the third one. My hubby just got promoted which we had been expecting for months. We just bought a second car ( a clunker that works really well for less than $1000) for him to go to and from work so I would have a safe vehicle. Yet a lot of other wives around here have been coming up to me telling me 'you guys should have waited', 'you're too young', 'you're not ready', and 'you already have two that you can barely afford'.
Excuse the heck out of me, but who ever said ANYTHING to you about our finances?! We can afford another baby just fine!! Sure, we've only been married for 2 1/2 years, but we married because we love each other, NOT because I got pregnant.
More than all of this, these women are talking like they are SO much older and SO much better off, but in reality they are one or two years older than me and walk around with their kids in grungy looking clothes and broken toys and bikes all in their yards carrying freaking coach diaper bags. Like SERIOUSLY?? My girls may not have a whole lot of outside toys, but at least they work. And my kids are ALWAYS in clean clothes when we leave in the morning, not looking like they just pulled something from the bottom of a dirty clothes hamper.
Sorry....this went on a lot longer than I meant it to. Has anyone else had anything even similar to this happen? How did you handle it?
Re: My turn for a vent.
Don't let it get to you. Other people's opinions don't matter- you're good parents, you know you can afford another one, it's none of their damn business!
We got married December 7th and conceived during our wedding/honeymoon trip. I can't tell y
Just looking at your timeline you had your two kids before you got married. It's not like you rushed into marriage and then had a bunch of babies one right after the other before you could think about anything. And who are they to judge?!&n
Just ignore them. Some peoples priorities are really off. My IL's always think that me and H are broke and don't have any money. Actually we make more than any of them. We just don't waste it on new cars and I don't spends lots