September 2013 Moms

Weight Loss and No Gain

Hi Ladies,

I don't post often, because I am a 1st timer... and don't want to offend as I don't know much about this whole pregnancy thing.

BUT I wanted to write something today, I am not so much concerned. I lost about 7-8 lbs when I 1st found out I was prego. I have not gained anything back. I am now 14 weeks, and starting to eat more. But I still have major food aversions! I JUST WANT A SALAD! 

I know it's common to lose in your 1st trimester. And I am not necessarily anxious to start gaining. But I feel like I am getting a layer of fat around my belly, and definitely starting to pop. (I actually feel great about my body considering I have not been to the gym due to the lack of energy).

Anyone else have this?


Re: Weight Loss and No Gain

  • Yes, I'm 16 weeks on Friday and I've lost about 10lbs since becoming pregnant. My appetite increased since I got into my 2nd trimester but I've had three colds since January so energy is still low. I'm a FTM so this is all new to me too. I have a check up
  • I lost 6 lbs in 4 weeks in between appointments. Dr. Wasn't concerned as long as I'm eating. It's hard to gain especially when I'm nauseous constantly. I wouldn't be concerned if dr. Isn't. I also have a bump I can't suck in!
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  • If your dr isn't worried, you shouldn't be either.
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  • I didn't lose weight but I have not gained a pound. I have been nauseated but it has not stopped me from eating. To be honest I am eating terribly and eat small meals all day long. My nurse questioned my weight last time I visited and I am not excited t
    Baby Birthday Ticker Tickerimage
  • I lost about 8 pounds pretty quickly when I was first pregnant with DD. I don't think I got back to my pre pregnancy weight until about half way through the 2nd trimester. My doctor was never concerned as long as I was still able to eat and get wh

  • My last pregnancy, all I wanted for the first 6 months or so was fruit and salad. And I still gained weight just fine or a bit more, totalling 40lbs by the time I delivered. I know I gained 3lbs in 1st tri, and at least a pound if not 2 every week afterwa
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  • I've lost about 8lbs since finding out I was pregnant as well, and I have not gained any of it back yet (15wks today).  I do have a bump, and my waist has increased about 4 inches since I had the BFP.  So, I'm getting bigger, but the number on t
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • I was down 6lbs and have finally almost gained most of it back. I'm 17 weeks. As long as your OB isn't concerned and you are eating something you should be fine. Make sure you are also keeping up on your fluids.
  • 14 w 2 days here and I am down 10 lbs from pre baby weight. No worries you will gain in time!
  • I'm down about 5lb and haven't put any of it back on yet.  I don't think its a problem.  It you were underweight to begin with I think it might be more of an issue, but I don't have that problem. 

    I'm with you with the salads.&nbs

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  • imagemagdalina.h:
    If your dr isn't worried, you shouldn't be either.

    THIS times 1000 

    Eat your food people. You are pregnant, not made of glass. ~PrimRoseMama
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  • I haven't gained either, my dr said its not an issue :
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  • I have lost 20lbs to morning sickness and food just not in the slightest bit interesting me, I was told as long as I take my vitamins there is really nothing to worry about! I did recently get put on a nausea med but only because I was so dehydrated I nee
  • I am still down about 10lbs right now due to no appetite and constant nausea that is just now going away. I had these same issues with my first pregnancy as well and by the time I delivered I was only up 11lbs. I hope to gain a little more this time, but
    Lilypie - (MLGF)Lilypie - (yERV)
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  • I've lost 24 pounds since being pregnant, but definitely notice my belly getting bigger! My OB is not concerned. She said its normal, you just don't want to lose during the third trimester.
  • Thanks everyone! They don't see alarmed at the dr. And hopefully I can take my time gaining!

    Good luck everyone!

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