well apparently my doctor had an emergency today so i had to see another doctor at the practice. a very unfriendly dry rude man i might add.
anywho baby has been head down for weeks now which is great. but the doctor barely felt my stomach and said he thinks she is sunny side up! I am 38 weeks today and i asked him what does that mean. He said you can still deliver but it will just be more difficult. awesome. - but curious how he 'thinks' he could tell just by barely touching my stomach- and also this has never been mentioned by my real doctor.
anyone gone thru this or delivered a sunny side up baby?
Re: sunny side up
See my response in the back labour post. I didn't know DS was sunny side up until I was 8 cm. Yeah it sucked but the epi was helpful and it only took 40 mins of pushing. 6.5 hrs of labour in total.
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