Every time someone asks me if I'm excited about being so close I can't help but think "no, actually I'm terrified!" You'd think since I've done this before I'd be more relaxed, but no. I'm panicking! I'm afraid of going into labour on my own. I'm afraid I'll have the same non-stop painful contractions I had with my son. I'm worried about being out and about when I go into labour. I'm afraid of post partum recovery and breastfeeding. I'm afraid of how I'm going to handle two kids. I'm afraid this kid will be even worse than DS was and I'll never sleep again! And most of all, I'm afraid all of this anxiety and panic attacks mean I'm in for a wicked case of PPD.
I don't know how much of this is normal second baby stuff or if I'm going a bit overboard and I should give my OB a heads up. Is anyone else going through the same thing?
Re: Terrified!
So glad you posted this! I am scared shizless about being a mom of two. I have no earthly idea how this is supposed to go or work out. I mean I can barely keep my 1 daughter safe and alive. Now I have to do this with two. Terrified is the perfect adjec
I'm 50% with you on this. During the day I'm all "its fine, we'll work through everything, no biggy" but as soon as I'm in bed I freak out and start to stress and lose my cool.
I think it's normal to some degree but its great that you're aw
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