April 2013 Moms

Doctor's orders: Have lots of sex!

I saw my OB this morning and I'm 1 cm dilated which I know doesn't mean much, but I'm really excited that at least SOMETHING is happening considering I've been high and tight.  She ordered me to have lots of sex with DH. He's pretty happy, but this pregnant lady is really uncomfortable just trying to roll out of bed or get out of a chair. Send me labor vibes ladies!
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Re: Doctor's orders: Have lots of sex!

  • Ugh - when else would Drs orders to have sex make you roll your eyes?  Sending out labor vibes for you!!
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  • I'm almost more afraid of those doctor's orders than the thought of a induction - ha!  It is the LAST thing my body wants to do right now.

    Good luck?  Enjoy?

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  • Get it girl! ;) Hopefully it won't be too much longer before baby makes an appearance! 
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  • As much as I want this baby out of me stat I think I'd rather keep it in for awhile longer than have sex! It's just so uncomfortable!
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  • imageCasie13:
    Get it girl! ;) Hopefully it won't be too much longer before baby makes an appearance! 
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  • imagenyki06:
    As much as I want this baby out of me stat I think I'd rather keep it in for awhile longer than have sex! It's just so
    image BabyFetus Ticker
  • imageblueandgray:

    I'm almost more afraid of those doctor's orders than the thought of a induction - ha!  It is the LAST thi


  • OMG, your doctor HATES you.  hahahahahaha.

    We had sex last week and it was not fun.  Good luck, may the force be with you!

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  • imageheddy79:


    BFP #1: 08/17/2012  DD1 born 05/01/2013

    BFP #2: 07/31/2015  M/C 09/23/2015 (11.5 weeks)

    BFP #3: 12/16/2015 DD2 born 8/27/2016
  • imageJSS1002:

    OMG, your doctor HATES you.  hahahahahaha.

    We had sex last week and it was not fun.  Good luck,

    image BabyFetus Ticker
  • Just go for really long walks! I went for a 2 mile walk the night before DD was born and I was not dilated or anything leading up to the big day. You don't have to walk fast, just move your body. That might get things moving just as well as sex. I'm s
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Ugh, I'm 40 weeks today and have been considering this... I know DH would be up for it, but it just sounds so unappealing!  I miss when sex used to be fun Crying
  • My husband might just pay my doctor to say that. We have been on pelvic rest since week 10. I might be a virgin again by the time we do it again. lol
    BabyFruit Ticker image image Anniversary
  • imageMurraydog:
    Just go for really long walks! I went for a 2 mile walk the night before DD was born and I was not dilated or anyt
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  • imageheddy79:
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  • Oh no! Yeah, I'm not horribly uncomfortable yet but I'm still not even interested. And I've already told MH that he might have to help me out if she won't come on her own, and he has zero interest. It freaks him out.

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  • With the crazy headaches I've been getting, sex is the only thing that distracts me a little. I am so glad we haven't lost the urge! But then again I'm only 36 weeks...maybe I won't feel so frisky in a couple weeks. My only problem is that hubby is a truc
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