My doc has been doing NSTs at my weekly appts for the past 3 weeks after a growth scan showed that LO was measuring 2 weeks behind symmetrically. Baby is moving and looking good. Today at my appt they did another growth scan to see if LO is still measuring 2 weeks behind or if she had fallen behind anymore. Right away we saw that she had finally flipped head down and is in the ideal position to be born vaginally! Yay! But following that bit of good news we found out that she is still measuring 2 weeks behind everywhere but her belly, which is now 3 weeks behind. My Doc was out of town today, but the nurse practioner said that 3 weeks is right at the brink of a serious problem and that my doc might want to induce early. I am meeting with him tomorrow to see what is going on, what he thinks, and what we will do now.
At this point (37 weeks) it's better to induce bc for some reason (placenta or cord) she isn't getting adequate nourishment on the inside and will gain more weight on the outside. It just depends on where my Doc stands in this situation.
I am 2 centimeters dilated and "really thin" as of today so it wouldn't be too hard to induce hopefully. I really don't want to end up with a c section after laboring.
Hopefully I will get some info tomorrow and be able to prepare myself a little.
Re: good news and bad news at appt
Good luck with your appt tomorrow! I hope that whatever you and your doctor decide goes smoothly for you!
Can I ask why they started doing weekly NST's and growth u/s? I see people getting them on here a lot and I always wonder if it'
You fill me!!! Z! My BFP Chart
I'm getting induced tomorrow night so if you do too, our LO's could have the same bday! :-)
I know there is an increased csection risk, but I've had multiple friends and family members be induced with no problem.
Bink -- I've been havnig we
I am being induced April 1- next Monday. My OB believes I have pregnancy induced hypertension and my baby is measuring small- in the 17%, anything under 20% is when they take action.
I, too, am 2 cm and 70% effaced so my OB said that induct
I've been dealing with the same issues with my LO for awhile now.
My stomach was measuring small and the baby had an arrhytmia so they scheduled me for a level II ultrasound @ about 32 weeks. Found out the baby's abdomen was measuring small (9t
At 26 weeks my doc started doing fundal measurements and my belly was measuring 2 1/2 weeks behind at every appt. They just thought it was because I have a small frame and a long torso. Until 32 weeks when they decided to do a growth u/s just to make s