April 2013 Moms

Time flies!

My kids at 1 month old today. Holy crap, time flies!!
TTC #1 since May 2010. BFP #1 - 5/31/10; m/c on 7/22/10
Started seeing RE in August 2011
5 IUIs: BFN; IVF #1 - Success! BFP - 7/25/12 Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Re: Time flies!

  • They're adorable happy 1 month!

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  • Oh wow!! Time really does fly!

    "I wanted you more than you'll ever know, so I sent love to follow wherever you go."

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    Ginny DX 21-Hydroxylase Deficiency Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia

    Charlie DX Specific Antibody Deficiency & ASD

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  • Wow! That went by so fast! Their picture in your siggy is adorable!
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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    BFP #1: 5/10/12; 5/22/12: pregnancy deemed not viable (probably CP)
    BFP #2: 8/2/12; Due date: 4/14/13, DD born 4/5/2013
    BFP #3: 11/2/14, Due date: 7/7/15
  • I can't believe they're already a month old.  So cute!
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