April 2013 Moms

Another MIL vent

I should preface this with I normally get along great with my MIL.  She is very outspoken and tends to have no filter but I have learned to accept her for who she is and we are usually fine.  But this has me pissed off.  DH and I are naming our son after DH - Charles.  He is not a "numbered" baby bc they all have different middle names but there has always been a Charles in the family and it is important to my husband.  It would not have been my first choice but I don't have a problem with it and so I offered no resistance to this whatsoever.  DH and I did decide that we would be calling the baby Charlie as a nickname while he is little.  At my shower on Sunday I received several items from people with "Charlie" on them and the cake said Charlie on it.  Well my MIL yanked (yes grabbed my arm and yanked) me into the group of people she was talking to and says "You're not planning to call the baby Charlie are you?!?" I said yes and she proceeded to say "No. It should always be Charles". I said well we are calling him Charlie but Charles will be on the birth cert. She does call DH Charles but she is basically the only one. He goes by Chuck to everyone else and introduces himself as Chuck.  

I don't get why she cares. Or why she thinks she has a say.   Her own husband goes by Chuckey! And children with more formal names always tend to have one or more nicknames - especially by the time they hit school.  

It really just peeved me that she a) did this during my shower and embarrassed me b) came across as very demanding and as if I am doing something wrong  and somehow defiling my son's name.

The thing is - DH and I are calling him Charlie, my very large family will all be calling him Charlie, so I have a feeling he will answer to Charlie!  End Vent.  

BFP#1 10/30/2011,MC 12/4/2011 9w2d,BFP#2 3/6/2012,m/c 4/18/2012 9w1d D&E 4/18/2012 BFP#3 8/12/2012 EDD 4/25/2013 Stick baby!! Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers BabyFruit Ticker

Re: Another MIL vent

  • Your MIL was waaay out of line.  And for what its worth, I love the name Charlie.
    BabyFruit Ticker fallfun
  • I'm impressed that you didn't throw a giant fit or manhandle her back in some way! Nobody touches me without my permission and they certainly don't yank my arm and scold me at my party without getting a whole lot of crazy right back at them! Good for you
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  • imageAliSarah:
    I'm impressed that you didn't throw a giant fit or manhandle her back in some way! Nobody touches me without my permiss
    BabyName Ticker
  • imagewhitneylauren:
    BFP#1 10/30/2011,MC 12/4/2011 9w2d,BFP#2 3/6/2012,m/c 4/18/2012 9w1d D&E 4/18/2012 BFP#3 8/12/2012 EDD 4/25/2013 Stick baby!! Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers BabyFruit Ticker
  • And what exactly did she think she would accomplish with her extreme rudeness? SOOOOOO out of line.
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  • Just tell her to f^ck off.  :)
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  • Annoying and rude. I will never understand why people feel they can butt in and make decisions like that about a kid that isn't theirs.

    FWIW, I think Charlie is a cute nickname, but I'm biased. <img src="https://community.thebump.com/cs/emoticons/


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