September 2013 Moms

Pain in lower back/butt (SI joint)... anyone else?

I do have to specify I don't think this is just lower back pains and aches.  Each time I sneeze I cringe because I know it is going to be painful.  It seems to really hurt when I'm still for a while (sitting, laying down, etc) and when I move or stand it is very painful.  Painful enough that it stop me in my tracks.  I am pretty good with pain and I can deal with it but I'm concerned because I'm only 15 weeks and it has gotten worse each week.  I'm wondering if this lets up or just continues to get worse throughout pregnancy.  I've looked a few things up online and I'm thinking it may be my SI joint.  Anyone else experience this? What did you do?

Re: Pain in lower back/butt (SI joint)... anyone else?

  • I'm to the point where it takes me like 20 minutes to get up my stairs. I think I have a pinched nerve, but I'm right there with you. My doc just told me Tylenol and warm baths. Not much else I can do apparently. :/
  • I've been having a lot of lower back pains, shooting pains in my coccyx area and pain in my sacrroiliac joint region. I just saw my doctor this morning and he said it's normal pregnancy growing pains and that I shouldn't worry.
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  • yup same here. From what I remember last time it was kind of bad at this stage but actually got better for a little while.

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  • Yes, I am dealing with this type of pain also.  Mine doesn't stop me in my tracks, but I can have some shooting pains at times.  I would recommend seeing a chiropractor.  With things stretching and pulling the way they are right now, your h
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  • This has always started right around twelve weeks for me, and last till delivery. Lots of stretching, Tylenol and baths!
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  • I had this went to see the doctor and i had a kidney infection i took antibiotics and its ok now. Still pull my muscles everytime i sneeze tho! Hope this helps:/ x
  • NukkeNukke member

    My SI join on my right side is very painful.  I notice it gets worse if I sit on my futon, and gets painful to the point where i can't lift my right leg.  I've avoided the futon for the past three days, and it's gotten MUCH better.


  • I am also having bad lower back pain on my right side. I talked to mt SIL about it who is a physical therapist specializing in womans health and she said it was my SI joint. It is super common! She said to avoid anything where your legs are far apart like
  • Find a physical therapist that specializes in pregnancy (your OB can probably refer you to one).  I saw one with DS from about 14 week to 20weeks after getting to the point I could barely walk and my knees would buckle from pain....after 20 weeks I w

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  • I'm with you!!! My midwife suggested acupuncture. The pain comes and goes but when it's here it brings me to tears sometimes!! I tell myself in my head "so you think you can give birth naturally huh?" LOL
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  • I was having the same very severely a couple of weeks ago. I read about using a pillow between my legs and staying on my side at night. That has worked perfectly! I still have some pain at times but its much better!

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  • Mine started in the exact same place at on,y 8 weeks.  It would literally spasm so I couldnt walk.  I started seeing a chiropractor right away.  I'm glad I did.
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