September 2013 Moms

Moms of Toddlers...

How long does your LO take to fall asleep at night? DD turned 2 in Feb. I realize that at this age there is going to be issues with a lot of things, sleep included. But it takes her 1.5-2 hours to fall asleep at night. I get maybe 45 min. to wind down, but 2 hours? Nothing in our routine has changed (I'm a stickler for routine!). It seems she started this when she moved into the Big Girl Bed. Since she doesn't fall asleep until 10pm or so, it's hard to wake her up at 6am. She takes a 1.5-2 hour nap at school, waking up at 3. Any suggestions? I'm hoping that it's a phase. I miss time with my DH!!

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