DH and I have been working really hard to get rid of all debt - prioritizing consumer debt and then education debt. Today, we paid off another big chunk! We started with 5 items in the 'consumer debt' column, and after 3 years of focus we're down to 1! (and that 1 has a lower interest rate than our education loans!)
I'm so proud of us! We don't have a lot of disposable income but we've been so careful to make good choices and work to pay off debt as quickly and responsibly as possible.
I just had to brag here because it would be so tacky to talk about this with 'real' people For those in a similar boat, keep working, it feels so great to get to a Pay Off Day!
Re: Debt AW
That is wonderful! I was in the same boat, I had my car almost paid off (it would have been in May) and we wrecked it on 3/13/13. Now we have to get another one, so that is going to be more money we are going to have to pay in Sept/Oct when I am off of
Toby, my furry baby
Congratulations and good work!
Even though all our debt is "good debt" it can still be frustrating and would love to pay it off faster!
Congrats! I still have my car loan, but have 2 more months of an agressive payment plan I put togehter earlier this year before I have all of the rest of my debt completely paid off. It's such an awesome feeling when you hit send on a big payment!
Congrats! That's awesome! We are trying to get out of debt as well. We recently paid off our car loan, but still have credit card debt and student loan debt. I love the concept behind Dave Ramsey's method in his book Total Money Makeo