I'm 35 weeks, yesterday went to OB appt and my doctor checked my cervix and I was 1cm dilated. Afterwards we went shopping and walked around some, I've had Braxton hicks for many weeks now but in the last 12 they have been increasing, especially with walking around, anyways I had Braxton hicks the rest of the day, and with some mild cramping, figured it wa just from the exam, this morning I woke up used the toilet, and when I wiped noticed a blob of thick snot, sorry little gross. This is my second pregnancy but I never passed the mucus plug with my first, that I know of. What do you ladies think? There wasn't any blood in the blob.. maybe just a slight yellow... Don't want to sound silly phoning the doc today about it... If its nothing. any similar experiences?
Re: Discharge or mucus plug?
Make a pregnancy ticker
My BFP Chart
Ditto on the PP's.
Sounds like the MP - no need to call!
"I won't give up on us, even if the skies get rough, I'm giving you all my love, I"m still looking up."
TTC #1 since August 2011 MFI Diagnosis - April 2012
IVF #1 - July 2012 - Stims start 7/2, ER 7/12, 20 retrieved, 16 mature, 13 fertilized!
ET - 7/17 - 1 blast transferred. Beta - 7/26 273, Beta 2 7/30 - 1143. Beta 3 8/6 - 11,597
12/25 - Santa tells us "IT'S A GIRL!" EDD - April 4th
Our Little Easter Bunny has arrived!
Molly Mildred born 03/31/13
TTC A Sibling....... FET #1 11/14/14, Transferred one beautiful blast
Remaining four frosties arrested due to "embryologist error"
Plllllleasssee stick little icicle.....Beta 11/23...BFN
Starting ALL over with a fresh IVF cycle
Stims start 11/28/14, ER December 10th, 13 eggs retrieved, 11 mature, only 4 fertilized
1 Blast Transferred on December 15th..... Beta Christmas Eve... Please Santa, bring me a baby!
Beta #1 345.....Beta #2....750/ First U/S 1/13/15/HB 131....EDD 9/2/2015