September 2013 Moms

I'm bored... pregnancy and youtube

I went through quite a few "I didn't know I was pregnant" episodes, and also some "One Born Every Minute".  The latter is a UK show that takes place in the maternity ward at a hospital.  The midwives there are great.  I highly recommend it! 

But now I'm out of shows and I have all my laundry done and other housework.  Anyone have any other youtube recommendations?  I don't get hulu in this country, and my netflix is Canadian, too, so please stick to youtube recs if you can :P

Actually, scratch that.  I shouldn't be so selfish.  Please recommend other favourite pregnancy shows for others reading this!

Re: I'm bored... pregnancy and youtube

  • It's super old but have you ever watched Bill Cosbys standup on his wife giving birth and then about how his kids and wife interact? It's AMAZING funny! I remember it from when my parents watched it but we watched it in our birth class as some comedy re
    MC: 11/2009 at 8 weeks DD: Born 04/2011 Due 9/22/2013
  • imageNukke:

    I went through quite a few "I didn't know I was pregnant" episodes, and also some "One Born Every Minute".  The la

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  • NukkeNukke member

    It's super old but have you ever watched Bill Cosbys standup on his wife giving birth and then about how his kids an
  • I found it on you tube its under Hilarious Bill Cosby Natural child birth...its over 13 minutes..I just watched funny. Then under it it gives a bunch of his other standup about raising kids..oldies but goodies.
    MC: 11/2009 at 8 weeks DD: Born 04/2011 Due 9/22/2013
  • imageangie244:
    I found it on you tube its under Hilarious Bill Cosby Natural child birth...its over 13 minutes..I just watched agai


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