I sound so stupid, but I've never really mailed anything besides a letter. So if I want to send a friend who just had her baby (due 4 days before me - Ahhh!) a care package with candy, gossip magazines, fuzzy socks, etc., can I just take it all to the post office and put it in a box? Is shipping expensive? I know it's based on weight.
She lives 90 minutes away (I've brought her up in a previous post) so I'd rather mail something than head up to her house.
How do you mail food and other care packages? Any cute suggestions for a mom of two? She does everything for everyone else so I want this package to be more about her.
(And thanks for all of your help with my daunting MIL post!)
Re: How do you mail food/care package?
If it is packaged food like cookies and snacks, then you can just UPS it or USPS it like a normal package.
If it is like a cake or prepared meal, then the process is a bit more intricate and you need to check with the carrier about what the instr
USPS has flat rate boxes. For cookies and magazines a medium size would be fine and I think it's about $12.85 to ship. But it's not based on weight.
Just from experience if you are sending cookies, or something that could be cru