All day Saturday I felt terrible. Back aches, stomach aches, nausea....
This lasted most the day Sunday as well. Sunday evening after dinner I started noticing it in my back and radiating to the front. Around midnight we started timing my contractions they were about 3 minutes apart. We timed them until about 1:30am and called the midwife. With the snow storm in full force she said we could go ahead and come in to be checked. So we packed up and headed in.
The triage nurse checked me and I was still only 2 cm 65% effaced (same as my appointment last Tues at the office). She had me up walking for 2 hours straight. Brought me back to be checked again and I was still only 2cm and now about 80% effaced. I was showing on the monitor contractions every 2-4 minutes.
She called my MW and then from there decided to give me ambien and send me home for some sleep.
This afternoon I am sooooo sore but feel like my contractions have really calmed down.
What is going on!!!!!!! This is so frustrating! Advice, suggestions?
I am a FTM and feel like I am wiped out already!
Re: Frustrated...