Background: I thought my Alvas were a load of crap but then I wondered if I really just hate microfiber. Many times, if I put just one insert into my Alvas there would be compression leaks even if the microfiber wasn't saturated. Annoying as cuss.
I usually only use my BGs with two inserts and overnights so while they leaked sometimes it wasn't the same kind of leaking.
SO! Yesterday I stuffed all my pockets with prefolds and set aside the microfiber inserts.
As of right now, Emery has been in a pre-fold stuffed Alva for 3 hours. No leaks. No wetness. I'm getting ready to change him right now. If this is the answer, I'm SO DONE with microfiber! The feeling of it makes my skin crawl anyway.
Re: The Goodbye Microfiber Experiment
You can always sell your MF and buy whatever you like better. People buy inserts because they buy diapers with no inserts.
Alva MF inserts really are pretty crappy.
Natural Birth Board FAQs
Cloth Diaper Review Sheet
Hells no.
But I sold a stack of Kawaii MF inserts for a buck each. They went fast.
Natural Birth Board FAQs
Cloth Diaper Review Sheet
I stuff my Alva's with BG inserts. The Alva inserts are awful imo, and we had leak issues with them too, until I switched to BG inserts.
Glad you found something that works for you though!