April 2013 Moms

ugg back pain and nausea

I have been having this pain for about 3-4 weeks now. It's not muscle or bone back pain (although I have that too) its almost like my kidneys hurt. Everytime this pain comes I get super nauseaus. I brought this up to my MW and she just kind of shrugged it off (so I'm not asking if I should call =]). I'm thinking maybe LO is squishing something because the pain comes and goes, multiple times a day. I'm just curious if anyone else has experienced this and how they handled it. Its almost impossible to focus through it.


Oh and I'm drinking tons of fluids just in case its my kidneys I've heard fluids help.

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Re: ugg back pain and nausea

  • Oh, man, that sounds like it sucks! If your MW isn't concerned, it might just be pregnancy uncomfy-ness, but if it's still bad, maybe you should press the issue with her? Trust your instincts. Hope you feel better soon!
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  • My pain is in same area.. not all the time mostly as the day goes on it gets worse n worse..dr didn't seem concerned..possibly just position of baby
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