So yesterday I went into a huge nesting frenzy. One of the things on my list was the clean DD's old infant car seat so it would be nice and clean for DS. When I started pulling off the liners and taking it apart I smelt cat pee. It was so strong like my cat had been using this car seat for a litter box for weeks! The car seat had been in an empty room we rarely go in so I guess I just haven't noticed.
I am so pissed! There is no way I am putting an infant in that mess even if it could be cleaned. So now I have to buy a new car seat. Seriously? My cat is a turd.
Re: Cat- vent
I would be so pissed off! You can't get that smell out... Sorry, that really sucks.
You're not the only one with a turd cat if it helps! One of our cats scratched up the crib the first day set it up. It has big scratch marks righ
I feel your pain- I bought a gorgeous rug from PB, paid a pretty penny for it and my beloved 8lb terror has been using it as a scratching post. Grrrr.
Dogs aren't any cleaner than cats and still h
TTC since May 2006. After 3 failed Clomid cycles, 2 failed Injectibles/IUIs, 2 failed IVFs and 1 failed FET, we moved on to adoption!
Last ditch FET resulted in BFP, and identical twin girls!
We have 2 pugs as well and one peed on my daughter's Easter hat on Saturday so I am bit pissed at all my 4 legged babies. I don't know if they sense a new baby and getting anxious or what. At least dog pee comes out.
I second the Nature's Miracle product recommendation for cat pee. My cats, thankfully, are only interested in sleeping on the baby's things at this time. My living room furniture, however, looks like scratching posts. No new furniture until my 17
OMFG I cannot stand cat pee (or cats, really for that matter). The only way I've gotten cat pee out of something is by using vinegar to soak it, then putting it outside in freezing cold weather. It kills the smell somehow.
But in this case, yeah
Ginny DX 21-Hydroxylase Deficiency Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia
Charlie DX Specific Antibody Deficiency & ASD
I have been worried about one of our cats marking their territory and our male cat keeps going into one room and sitting in the same spot. I keep going in and checking to see if he has been peeing there, and it doesn't seem like he has. It just u