Since before I knew I was pregnant I've been having dreams of a little baby girl. I have not had one dream of a boy and they syptoms within my family line up. I actually want a boy but a girl would be fantastic.
Anyways the other day I said to my MIL, "I have a feeling it's a girl". And she screams at me, " I would have sworn to god that your husband was a girl an he's a boy, your not going to know!"
I just can't believe she ha to ruin everything I bring up. She would have killed to have a little girl so of coarse she believed Andrew was a girl...
Sometimes I don't know how to handle this women.
Re: Mother in law.
THIS. I am half
The content of what she said is 100% reasonable. But what doesn't make sense is that she yelled it at you. ???
This reminds me of a conversation we had with the NT ultrasound tech we had last week. Background - we are team green and were la
I get what you mean. I think all women are well aware that you won't actually know for sure until it is verified with ultrasound or birth. I didn't get from you post that were confused about that. It's just fun to speculate and dream