Cloth Diapering

Help! Diaper rash only at Grandma's

This is the second time this has happened. LO has diaper rash after I washed his cloth diapers at Grandma's house. First time it happened, I thought it was the detergent I used. When we got to our home again I stripped the dipes and all was well again.

So for this visit, I packed our usual detergent. One day after washing dipes, LO has diaper rash again!

My parents have hard water but use a water softener that softens the water throughout the entire house. What do you do when it's the water that seems to be causing the problem?
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Re: Help! Diaper rash only at Grandma's

  • Another option is that their washer has the residue from their detergent in their washer.  If your LO has sensitive skin or is sensitive to something specific in their detergent, it might not take much. 
  • imagetheresat858:

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  • imagesecondaryPULSE:
    My thought would be that you're using too much detergent with their soft water (you need less with soft water)
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