September 2013 Moms


I really should not be here at work today. I should have called out. I have no patients for my students today. Although I have to say it's not entirely me. They really are not listening at all. I have had to repeat my directions literally 5 times so far. Bed rest is looking better and better. I have less than 3 weeks to go plus next week is our spring break. Anybody else wearing thin for everything?

Re: Work

  • Our parking lot is about a 1/2 mile away from the office, so they have a shuttle bus.  This morning someone doused themselves in perfume to try to hide the smell of cigarette smoke.  Instant headache, I'm wearing thin this morning too.
  • I'm exhausted and just want to go home.  Thankfully I am leaving at 4/4:30 (instead of 6) due to Passover.
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  • I have almost no patience with the kids in my class. It doesn't help that they're all ready to move up to pre-school, but ARGH. Luckily I called out today because of horrible constipation and dizziness so I don't have to deal with it until tomorrow. I kee
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  • My students have been out of control. It's horrible. They're generally such a wonderful class, but their chattiness has increased by 1000 and I too have to repeat directions 5 times. And then, some still have no idea what is going on. I feel like I have b
  • imageBabybabybabyohhhhhhh:
    My students have been out of control. It's horrible. They're generally such a wonderful class, but their
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