April 2013 Moms


In the very beginning of pregnancy I had some acne but after that I have had the clearest skin ever.  Well, until last week.  Now I have noticed some blemishes popping up.  I was surprised by it since it's been many glorious months without any.  Is anyone else experiencing this?

Re: Acne?

  • OMG yes!   last week mine popped up.   Thankfully they aren't big ugly white or black heads but I have tons of little blemishes that can be seen in the right light.


  • I've had acne this whole pregnancy but its gotten worse in the past couple weeks. Fun!
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  • Yes! Mine just came back as well, I'm 36 weeks. I've had flawless skin since 1st tri.
  • imageChicagoBroad26:
    I've had acne this whole pregnancy but its gotten worse in the past couple weeks. Fun!
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  • Yes! I went from horrible acne 1st tri, to okay until a few days ago, and now it's getting bad again. I also started using a new powder so I'm not sure if I should attribute it to the makeup or hormones. I read that baby is getting a huge dose of hormones
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  • I think you are lucky!  Since I got pregnant I have had more acne than I have ever had!  Worse than high school!!!  My face is decent at the moment but I have notice more acne on my chest
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