April 2013 Moms

any FTM's NOT experiencing impending labor symptoms?

I keep reading the posts about contractions, dropping, leaking, pressure and other symptoms (not including cervical check info).

I've got NOTHING.    I'm hoping to hold off my OB until 40 weeks for cervical checks but aside from not knowing that, my body isn't giving me any change in symptoms.  I feel left out.  (for mobile bumpies I'm 37w, 2d)


ETA:  Nothing against STM's and feel free to post, I just think you all are more likely to deliver on time or early, whereas us FTM's may have a week or two extra to wait.


Re: any FTM's NOT experiencing impending labor symptoms?

  • I've got nothing too. LO is still hanging up really high in my ribs and transverse... Hoping he decides to come down soon.
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  • I'm a STM and not experiencing impending labour symptoms. With my first I was crampy every day from 36-40 weeks. I don't get cervical checks either. So I got nothing. Symptoms don't necessarily mean anything. I felt like I had my period for 4 weeks with m
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  • I'm in the same boat.  Very few contractions, still carrying high, feeling pretty "normal"....36.5 weeks along.  Looks like she will stay put for the last 4 or so!
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  • Me!  But I'm not due until 4/28, so I'm hoping to not start feeling those symptoms quite yet!
    Sara B BabyFruit Ticker VOTE on my Name List
  • imageNicoleSB80:

    I keep reading the posts about contractions, dropping, leaking, pressure and other symptoms (not including cerv

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • 3rd time here. Absolutely no symptoms of labor at all at almost 39 weeks. My last cervical check was at 38 weeks, and I had no signs of progress then either.

    Fwiw, I didn't go into labor with DD1 until 41w3d. DD2 was a repeat c/s at 40w2d wi
    Annalise Marie 05.29.06
    Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
    Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
  • I am not feeling any labor symptoms. I would love if he decided on his own to come early, but I am starting to think he might wait until 40. 

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  • Yea, nothing here at 39 weeks. I have an appointment tomorrow and not expecting any progress.

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    BFP #3: 3/24/15 EDD: 12/5/15



  • imageekendall09:


  • Yup, pretty much. I feel like the baby is starting to drop because I can breath better but every time I get checked the doc says that the baby is still really high. Not dilated at all, haven't had BH since a false labor episode at 33 weeks. I have


    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • FTM and prior to the start of my actual labor, I had NOTHING. Not even BH. Reese was born at 38w, 2d after less than seven hours of labor. I had been refusing cervical checks at my prenatal appointments. First one in triage, I was 5 cm. Checked again when
    Married 6/4/11
    Reese born 3/23/13
    Due 9/14/16

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • imageNicoleSB80:
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • FTM here. Don't get discouraged! Ik I had multiples so I was bound to go early anyway but I as well had no impending signs of labor. I didn't ever feel like I dropped, no contractions that I could feel, and my water broke at 35w6d. The only thing I though
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Image and video hosting by TinyPic
  • 38w2d and nothing doing here! :(
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  • This post makes me feel better- I felt like I was alone! I think baby might have dropped a little bit, but that's about it. I haven't had any BH the whole time and have had very rare cramping.  
  • I am a STM but with my first baby I was a fingertip dilated at 39 weeks and that's it. I gave birth on my due date at exactly 40 weeks. Don't despair. It can happen really fast!
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • STM butting in - with my first pg, I never had ANY noticable symptoms. Was 2cm at 37 or 38 weeks, and was still 2cm at my morning apt at 40W6D - contractions started later that evening. I had no other signs before then. I haven't felt any symptoms or
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  • I've got nothing either... but I am 110% ok with it! I'm scared to go into labor early beacuse of my Placenta Previa, I don't want to have an emergency c-section!
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  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • No contractions, baby hasn't dropped-or it doesn't feel like she has. I stopped requesting exams because I don't want to hear that I'm not dilated, or even softened.

    I've been crampy for the last two weeks.  I finally started to swell i

  • I'm 38w1d today and the only thing that has happened is that the baby has dropped. That's it. And that's just fine. I could really use another 2-3 weeks to get ready!
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