I keep reading the posts about contractions, dropping, leaking, pressure and other symptoms (not including cervical check info).
I've got NOTHING. I'm hoping to hold off my OB until 40 weeks for cervical checks but aside from not knowing that, my body isn't giving me any change in symptoms. I feel left out. (for mobile bumpies I'm 37w, 2d)
ETA: Nothing against STM's and feel free to post, I just think you all are more likely to deliver on time or early, whereas us FTM's may have a week or two extra to wait.
Re: any FTM's NOT experiencing impending labor symptoms?
My BFP Chart
Fwiw, I didn't go into labor with DD1 until 41w3d. DD2 was a repeat c/s at 40w2d wi
Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
BFP #2: 11-7-14, CP (BFN: 11-13-14)
BFP #3: 3/24/15 EDD: 12/5/15
Yup, pretty much. I feel like the baby is starting to drop because I can breath better but every time I get checked the doc says that the baby is still really high. Not dilated at all, haven't had BH since a false labor episode at 33 weeks. I have
No contractions, baby hasn't dropped-or it doesn't feel like she has. I stopped requesting exams because I don't want to hear that I'm not dilated, or even softened.
I've been crampy for the last two weeks. I finally started to swell i
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