April 2013 Moms

Am I alone??

Well yes I am since DH works from 7om-6am at the hospital but that's not what I meant. I mean am I the only crazy planner lady??

I was talking with my sister last night (she is due april 11) and she told me she wants five kids total. GAH! Crazy lady but whatever. I'm a FTM and I know I'll love my baby more than anything but I definitely take into consideration our finances when I plan our future children. She is already living on state housing, this will be her third child and her husband is likely to never be able to work again. She's still in college. I think she's setting her kids up for a rough life =/

Anyways she asked me if I knew when DH and I would try for number 2 and I told her of course I have it all planned out =] we will start trying in April 2015 until June 2015 then start again in September of 2015. I dont want their bdays too close. She looked at me like I was the crazy one. Am I?? Anyone else plan that far ahead?

Sorry this is so long, like I said in the beginning I am left alone to wonder in my own thoughts lol

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Re: Am I alone??

  • I had my first 2006 then i didnt have my second untill 2011. But i am expecting my third april 19 2013. Wasnt what i was expecting but things happen. And of course you have to think about their future,in every way. My soon to be two year old always wants
  • I'm with you, I like to have a plan. I also didn't want my kids' birthdays to be too close.  That being said, my mom has always said to me, if you want to make God laugh, tell him you have a plan.  
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  • Umm, yeah, and plans I had went out the window with IF. My first was adopted and now I am having identicalidentical twins. They will be just over 2 years apart.

    TTC since May 2006. After 3 failed Clomid cycles, 2 failed Injectibles/IUIs, 2 failed IVFs and 1 failed FET, we moved on to adoption! 


    Last ditch FET resulted in BFP, and identical twin girls!

  • imageChristmasbaby18:
    I'm with you, I like to have a plan. I also didn't want my kids' birthdays to be too close.  That being
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • We have a plan but we also know that sometimes life happens and plans don't go how they are supposed to. I'm an older mom and it has always been important to me to provide for my children, so finances were definitely planned with all this in mind. <br
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker   

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  • imageChristmasbaby18:
    I'm with you, I like to have a plan. I also didn't want my kids' birthdays to be too close. nbsp;That being said,
  • we want to wait till gemma is one before we have our second.. if we want to have another.. it's kinda up in the air right now..

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Nope, super planner over here. I did want 3-5, but because FI only wanted 2-3, I picked 3 ;) This is assuming we can financially handle 3! We'll be trying May 2015, right after this LO turns 2  for a Feb. baby, then, assuming that one works out ;) tr
  • imagemngildersleeve:

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  • My husband and I are due with our first April 26th. I actually want to have 3 but my husband said that he only wants 2. I actually we want our kids close so we will probably start trying next January so we have a fall baby. (I got pregnant 1 wee
  • We've been talking about the timing of our 2nd as well.  DH will finish his PhD in 2016, which means our income will go up in the second half of that year.  It might be nice to wait till then to have #2, but I feel like that age gap might be a b

    BFP #1: 08/17/2012  DD1 born 05/01/2013

    BFP #2: 07/31/2015  M/C 09/23/2015 (11.5 weeks)

    BFP #3: 12/16/2015 DD2 born 8/27/2016
  • I planned this one, but I also planned a little poorly, lol

    First I wanted to be pregnant in the winter time... That I got. I also wanted a may baby (that I planned poorly on lol) Reason for wanting a may baby.

    Jan: Husband birthday
  • There is nothing wrong with having a general plan, at least so you & your SO are on the same page, and can get emotionally/financially/physically ready.  However, as others have said - you can only plan so much!  It took me 6 months to ge

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  • I also plan everything - this baby was planned and the next one will be too. We plan to start trying around June 2014 until Sept 2014 (I am a teacher and really need to be due between March and June) for our second and probably our last. I figure Addi
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