April 2013 Moms

A much needed laugh

H and I have been so frustrated with each other lately. Tonight lo was not going to bed. She was banging and yelling. So at 10 H went in to find her undressing. As he was helping her put her arm back into the arm hole I was watching from the camera and saw this little butt wiggling. I began laughing so hard bc H didnt notice our little bare butt 2 yr old. I yelled and then he started laughing so hard. LO then said pee and peed all over the bed.... i was dying by this point laughing. We worked together to get her changed and a new diaper but the image of that little butt and daddy not noticing made a rough day ok. Im still giggling!!!
2nd EDD 02/01/13 - MC 5 1/2 weeks 6/5/12. Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Pregnancy Ticker
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