September 2013 Moms

Wedding dress!

My dress came in and I went to pick it up today and of course tried it on and well it didnt fit. I'm getting married six weeks after I'm due so hopfully I bounce back but in case not were putting a corset in the back. Im so excited though! I hope it works out and If not it will be worth it anyways :

Re: Wedding dress!

  • bexsdbexsd member
    This would scare me not just because of fit. What if you have a csection? You could still be recovering at 6 weeks. Even with a vaginal birth 6 weeks is really fast.
  • Lurking: I hope it's ok if I post here but what if you go past your due date?... I don't want to seem like a negative nancy but it took me ten months with dd to go back to "normal". Everyone is different so you might bounce back right away but this would
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