Alright ladies what are some of the things no one told you about being pregnant?
For some reason when people told me oh when you are pregnant your hair grows so fast that it would be exlusive to my head!!! No one told me that the growth speed of my leg hair would also increase or that I would develop hair in new places. I am not a hairy person at all but now I have stomach hair?! What is up with that!
Oh and the constipation!!!
Re: Things no one told you about being pregnant
I can relate to the hair. I had laser hair removal to my bikini area last year. Since bfp it is back big time! :-(
Honestly, I never got personally involved in pg women's lives to get all the details. So, most of this is new to me other than the
The constipation I second. That's one of those things that once you're pre
The congestion. I didn't realize that was a thing.
Also, no one ever told me about the hemorrhoids. That has to be my least favorite symptom of all.
BFP #1 8/25/12 EDD 4/28/13 Blighted Ovum, D&C 9/20/12 at 8w6d. I'll always remember the first one. My baby Grace. BFP #2 12/26/12 EDD 9/4/13. DS born 9/7/13. My sweet rainbow.
Our little lightbulb is on the way!
12 weeks 3 days
TTC since Oct 2011
Me: 33, hypothyroidism since 14, cleared all HSG, US, Pre-pregnancy panel tests.
Hubby: 36, testicular Ca, chemo April-May 2012.
Natural cycle IUI #1 with trigger and Progesterone Suppositories (Jun 2012) Neg
Natural Cycle IUI #2 with trigger and Progesterone Suppositories (Jul 2012) NEG
Aug 2012 - break due to needing a girls' weekend in Cape Cod
Natural Cycle IUI #3 with trigger and prednisone (Sep 2012) NEGATIVE
Switched fertility clinics - forced break Oct 2012
Natural Cycle IUI #4 (Nov 2012) no trigger, no progesterone, no prednisone (Nov 2012) - Neg
1st round Clomid Cycle IUI #5 (Dec 2012) - POS
How did you?!? Why didn't you warn me lol?!?
Haha!! I second the hair growth...I had my bikini lasered last year...and BOOM! suddenly it's baack!!
No one warned me about how fast your boobs can grow! 2 cup sizes! This early on:)
Oh! And let us no
1. the body hair. I shave my belly hair before an OB appt. I'm sure they are used to hairy bellies but it's just too embarrassing to me.
2. I agree with the vaginal swelling. I actually had to have DH look at my vag the other day because i
BFP #1- 9/16/2012 MMC- 10/24/2012 (8.5 weeks, baby measured 6 weeks 1 day with no heartbeat) D&C-10/30/2012 BFP #2- 12/23/2012 Due 9/5/2013 Please be our rainbow baby!
That everyone and their mother would tell me about their labor stories in graphic detail! Oh, and that you get yelled at all the time about stupid ***. The next person to scold me for taking a damn sip of Pepsi will get slapped.