April 2013 Moms

Are you kidding me MIL?

There has been a lot of going back and forth about where we are having the bris. I said from the beginning that I did not want it at my house. My parents would gladly do it at their house but they live 35 minutes away and we don't want to have him sit in the car seat that long afterwards. My MIL agreed to have it at her house since she only lives 3 minutes away.

Now I don't know why but DH told me last night that his mom told him she doesn't want to use her house anymore. She will pay for 2 house cleanings before and after but we have to have it at our house.

I am pissed beyond belief. She won't give a reason. We have a guest list of 50 people, and that doesn't count others we aren't expecting, which is very common in a bris. Now a week after giving birth I have to have all these people at my house.

I don't give a crap about her playing for the cleaning crew. It's great help, but we have the same layout so it's not like she can say my house is bigger.

I hate that she is pulling this crap. And once he's born she will complain when I don't let her see him whenever she wants. This is definitely going to be an interesting ride.

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Re: Are you kidding me MIL?

  • imagetmc0413:
    Yeah, I would be quite livid myself. My MIL amp; FIL are having the bris at their house. Luckily they are wonderful and wo
  • Thanks you guys. Unfortunately if we had it at my parents house then my husband's grandparents can't go. They live even further north of us and the drive would just be too much for them. I have officially put my mom in charge of the bris so that I know th

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