April 2013 Moms

High BP Couch Bound Mama's To Be

What are you doing to keep yourselves calm? I find I just continue to sit here and worry about what's coming up and the possibility the dr's will want to induce early. It certainly can't be helping my BP. I find I'm the most relaxed after taking a nap but you can only sleep so much. . .
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Re: High BP Couch Bound Mama's To Be

  • Well, I'm a little unique because Im actually thrilled that they are inducing early, and it is already scheduled for Thursday night.  But I'm supposedly havnig a 9+ lb baby, so even before the preeclampsia diagnosis, I wanted an induction early an

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  • Try to find a good book to read or get into a TV show season you haven't watched. I definitely go stir crazy if I am not occupied. Good luck!
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  • I have to have my hands busy, so I play a lot of sudoku on my phone and nook, reading, and I have a knitting project going. As long as I have something in my hands I am pretty relaxed.

    TTC since May 2006. After 3 failed Clomid cycles, 2 failed Injectibles/IUIs, 2 failed IVFs and 1 failed FET, we moved on to adoption! 


    Last ditch FET resulted in BFP, and identical twin girls!

  • I just started being couch bound and I'm a control freak so it's tough for me. I also don't know a lot yet since I just got the BP diagnosed/L&D visit Thursday so it hasn't been monitored a lot yet. I get slight headaches here and there but there w

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  • imagevthokie317:

    I just started being couch bound and I'm a control freak so it's tough for me. I also don't know a lot yet since I

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  • On Day 2 of being monitored for high blood pressure and this is hard, more so because Ava doesn't understand why I can't chase her around and play. I feel like a bad mama. 
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  • I am actually enjoying a bit of laziness. I just finished work and I hadn't taken leave basically since our BFP because I wanted to save those days for baby. I am enjoying watching tv online (a bunch of series that I had never seen), chatting online,
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  • Couple of things I have found that keep my mind occupied...

    -Signed up with netflix, watched the entire first season of Downton Abbey in two days (not very proud of it- but those days went fast)

    -Give myself one task per day, weather it's b

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