My hips and tailbones pop each time i go from sitting to standing... It's crazy. I thought our joints didn't get loose until late pregnancy.
Me 33. DH 32. TTC Since 6/2011.
12/2012-m/c, CP.
DH: MFI. CCT/HSG/day 3 blood work-all nl.
IVF#1 ER- 8/7/12, ET- 8/10. beta 8/25 neg, I did not respond as expected. AMH: 0.88.
IVF#2 BCP-10/19. Micro flare Lupron-Nov: It's a bust.
IVF#3 Planned for Feb '13 with a long lupron protocol
ON OUR OWN!!! BFP- 1/12/13. Yay! EDD 9/18, now EDD 9/25
Re: Cracky joints??
My hips and tailbones pop each time i go from sitting to standing... It's crazy. I thought our joints didn't get loose until late pregnancy.