September 2013 Moms

I don't wanna know!

Anyone else out there who DOESN'T want to know sex of baby until delivery? It's crazy how many people keep asking, and at each doc visit I just remind them that we don't want to know, and they've been great about it. DH and I are going "gender neutral" on everything, and honestly I don't care if baby wears blue, pink, yellow, stripes, etc, and I know baby won't care! Dressing kids up in particular colors is society's expectation, and I remember being made fun of a lot when as a child I chose "boy" things and was a tomboy.

Anyway, this sounds like its turning into a vent now ah! Just sayin, I would love the surprise on the big day. Not too many out there in the same boat, I suppose, but I know you're out there!

Re: I don't wanna know!

  • NukkeNukke member

    There are plenty of us here.  We usually refer to it as being "team green" (versus team blue or team pink).  I also have no problem dressing baby in whatever, and I know that we'll get lots of gender specific gifts after baby is born.  Y

  • I don't want to know. We have never found out with any of our kids. Last time all the nurses were so excited because they said EVERYONE knows and they get so excited when someone doesn't know. 


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  • We were team Green with DS and it was awesome!  We're definitely team Green again.  I'm high risk and gets lots of ultrasounds, especially toward the end.  We just remind them each and every time.  We get lots of pushing from family an
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  • This is awesome! I remember reading Team Green here and there but it never clicked. Maybe I related it to ecofriendliness, I don't know.

    Yay! I don't feel as alone. Thanks for the support! Yes, I don't mind the gentle reminders at the prenat
  • I'm team yellow or team green also.  Every nurse or ultrasound tech I've talked to says the same thing. They love when parents don't find out.
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  • We're not finding out either! I agree, I don't care what color my baby wears. I'm always shocked by how many people think we're just crazy for waiting. I think it will be a great surprise!
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  • We're also team green! Everyone tries to convince me to find out too, but we want it to be a surprise. My MIL is the only one that's upset that we're not finding out the gender. 
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  • bexsdbexsd member
    Team green, woo! 
  • And unless your doctor does your ultrasounds, they probably won't find out the sex either.  I went to a specialist for my u/s, until the end, and my OB didn't know.  Of course, he did my last few u/s, so he definitely knew before delivery. &nbsp
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  • We will not find out either! I have also noticed it is the first question that people ask, then they try to change my mind but we are team green and sticking to it! 
    BabyFetus Ticker
  • We aren't finding out either. Looking forward to the surprise!
  • You are definitely NOT alone. My sister, cousin and I are having team green babies this year. Grandma is the only one freaking out about it. We so enjoyed it with our first. The US tech (in OB's office) said there was no reason for them to ne

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  • Another member of Team Green here!
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  • I was solid team green when I was going to have one kid, but realized my reasons to not find out didn't apply to twins. So I switched. 

    People think everyone finds out, and when I was still deciding I got told "oh your kid is going to have h

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  • I found out with the first three but wanted this last pregnancy to be different. Buuuut my hubby wants to find out. Hmmm. I think I will tell him baby didn't cooperate at ultrasound. Sneaky huh?
  • Like the PP when we get to our last baby we won't be finding out.

    Right now though, I am dying to know, more so than I ever did with DS. I think mainly because this pregnancy has been the opposite of my pregnancy with DS, not that it necessarily

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  • As a FTM, I was on the fence about finding out, but my sister-in-law had an interesting opinion that might be worth sharing with the group. During her pregnancy, she decided not to find out the gender of the baby in advance. When she actually delivered

  • imageVCK:
    As a FTM, I was on the fence about finding out, but my sisterinlaw had an interesting opinion that might be worth sharing with
  • After we tell people we are expecting, after asking the due date, people always ask if we are going to find out the sex.  Whenever we tell people we are waiting, everyone praises us for our decision!  We are excited for the surprise!
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  • We were team green for our first two girls and it was great! I do want to find out this third time around for planning and preparation reasons needing to know mentally if this is my last pregnancy or not??
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  • Everyone I know is getting deep under my skin about finding out the sex. When I say I don't want to know I get the "why are you going to make me wait so long?!" question. Well guess what I have to wait 9 months to hold my child you would think I had the c
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