September 2013 Moms

Shorten work hours...

I am a hairdresser and stand allllll day long. With my first baby I was able to work a full 40 hr schedule practically up to the day she was born. This time around, I'm already feeling pains and tiredness that I probably didn't feel until month 8 with my first. Anyway, I just put in to shorten my work hours starting in May. I only work a 30 hr week now, but two of my days are 10 hrs. So in shortening the schedule I just took those days down to 6 and 8. My problem here is that part of me feels like I should buck up and stick to it. (I'm one who hates defeat) and I feel bad for my clients. I just need reassurance that it is not to early and what I'm doing is ok.

Re: Shorten work hours...

  • As long as your faithful clients know what's going on and they're still able to get in, I'm sure they won't mind a bit.

    I'm amazed the aches and pains that I'm feeling already with LO2.  It's nuts. I don't blame you for wanting to do this.&n

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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I really don't blame you. The aches and pains this time are crazy and I know my 10 hour days are slowly killing me. Your clients will stick with you, it's hard to find the right person to do your hair! Don't worry about it, and do what you need to do. I l
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  • I'm a hairdresser too and I understand completely. I have been feeling a lot of lower back pain and hip pain lately and as usual in my feet. I work 30 hours a week as well and instead of shortening my hours I have asked not to be double booked. I told th
  • I meant you take care of people all day long..
  • Thanks, good to hear from someone in the same boat. I've tried with the don't over book me and put in a standing lunch, but somehow my lunches always get pushed to 15 min slots and Sat are always client on top of client. My place of work is a "sure she wi
  • i am not a hairstylist, but seem to have a similar personality as you. It is hard to not work like we are accustomed to. You are doing the right thing by listening to your body. 
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • imagestaceymack:
    i am not a hairstylist, but seem to have a similar personality as you. It is hard to not work like we are accustom
    Me 33. DH 32. TTC Since 6/2011. 12/2012-m/c, CP. DH: MFI. CCT/HSG/day 3 blood work-all nl. IVF#1 ER- 8/7/12, ET- 8/10. beta 8/25 neg, I did not respond as expected. AMH: 0.88. IVF#2 BCP-10/19. Micro flare Lupron-Nov: It's a bust. IVF#3 Planned for Feb '13 with a long lupron protocol ON OUR OWN!!! BFP- 1/12/13. Yay! EDD 9/18, now EDD 9/25
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