Is it safe (for sanitary reasons) to buy used CDs? If so, is there a specific way to wash the used CDs to assure your child will not be passed anything from previous lil tooshies? I'm a first time momma-to-be and learning the ropes. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Found out that a few in mdh's family have sensitive skin and required CDs when they were babies so I'm going this route as a "just in case" and the bonus... to save what money I can for baby! Thanks ladies
Re: Is it okay to buy used Cloth Diapers?
I tend to be pretty germaphobic in general life, but for what its worth I bought almost my entire stash used, and have been perfectly happy with them. I bought a ton of unbleached Indian cotton prefolds used by only one baby prior to mine, and th
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@pinstripechik... Wow that is great to know!! Thank you for the deal spots mentioned. I will search there as well!
EVERYONE! Thank you for helping me with this. One more COMBO QUESTION: It has been a small phobia of mi