Happens every single night now. I'm SO tired yet can't sleep. Boo. More people need to post on here in the middle of the night so I have something to do I deactivated my FB a while ago so things get pretty boring after being up for HOURSSSS.
I'm jealous of my DH sleeping so peacefully right now......
Re: My eyes are so heavy yet I can't sleep.
This is me normally (unless I remember to take my sleep aid pills), but not tonight; yesterday was too busy a day on not enough hours of sleep, so I'm pretty sure I'm going to crash as soon as I get under the covers (just waiting for DH to join me in b
I was sleeping peacefully, that was till
A young gentleman started screaming in our parking lot (I'm assuming a jealous ex lover, screaming at the new lover) about how he Fudged her in the butt and he hopes they enjoy it.
I wish I could f
We have no milk...
Major sad face.
I have milk. I just ne
it is in fact going to be a LONG day.