September 2013 Moms


It's 2am here and guess who woke up STARVING?! I started with a glass of chocolate milk but that didn't work so I had a bowl of cereal. The frustrating thing is I'm still hungry!! I hope this hunger goes away soon :

Re: 2am

  • I was the same with 3am slices of toast with Vegemite and cheese but fortunately it stopped a couple of weeks ago. Hopefully it will change for you soon too.
  • I woke up starving at some point too, but I tried my hardest and fell back to sleep. I thought "wow, this baby eats a lot" and I was out. Haha.
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  • I used to get up and drink a glass of chocolate milk every night with the last pregnancy. This pregnancy my hunger is starting to calm down, hope yours does too.
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  • imageBlacksuzi:
    I was the same with 3am slices of toast with Vegemite and cheese but fortunately it stopped a couple of weeks ago. Hopef
  • Be careful with the cookie dough...raw eggs can make you sick even though its so yummy!
  • It's absolutely horrible!! Maybe the baby is having a growth spirt but I've been eating every two hours because I'm so hungry!! I keep snacking but maybe I should make myself a full blown meal.
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