April 2013 Moms

Looks like I'll be having a March baby!

I posted Thursday about being put on bedrest due to high BP and pitting edema. I was really down and kinda in shock about it.

Friday morning, I get a call saying that the lab work came back and apparently it's all over the map. They told me to take a shower, eat lunch, pack my bags, and head in to be induced! Talk about shock! I've had no issues up until Thursday and here I am lying in the hospital bed waiting for them to start the pitocin at 5am.

Please send thoughts and prayers this way for our LO as she's just shy of 38 weeks. I was really hoping to avoid induction, but if it's what's best for baby and me...I'll do it!

Oh, and ladies...pack your bags!!! You never know when things could take a quick turn!!!

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