April 2013 Moms

I seriously need to pack my bag.

I am such a slacker, why did I put all of this off until I was this large and uncomfortable!?! I will be 38 weeks tomorrow and still need to pack my bag, finish washing up the cosleeper, and I still have to finish putting new velcro on all of our fitted cloth diapers (which I finally started tonight but it's a sucky task). 

Anyone else sucking at the whole preparation thing? 

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Re: I seriously need to pack my bag.

  • I'm 37 weeks and I haven't packed my bag either.  I keep saying I need to... but it's just not happening yet.  :)  

     I'd be lying if I didn't say I'm a little concerned about this weekend - DH is going out of town Sat night, m

  • I haven't packed my bag yet, but it literally will take 15 minutes since the hospital gives (or I am paying for) almost anything I need. I overpacked last time and brought a whole bunch of outfits, and honestly just stayed in my hospital gown and robe

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  • I'm just now at 35 weeks, and normally I'm a planner/over-packer extremest.  But all I have at this point is a list....  DH is actually packing his bag as we "speak."  We came home from class last night and he said "I really want to start p
    imageBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • KovakKovak member
    I'm just now at 35 weeks, and normally I'm a planner/over-packer extremest.  But all I have at this point is a l
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  • I'll be 39 weeks on Monday and I still only have one or two things in my bag so far (Oh snap!) 

    I plan on working on that this weekend hopefully.  

    imageVincent Julian born on March 27th, 2013 DX with Down Syndrome image
      BabyFruit Ticker
  • My hospital bag is mostly packed and ready (I just need to go buy that nursing bra I have on hold so I can wash it and shove it in), but my cleaning from last Friday only has maybe three things checked off on it.

    I need a swift kick in the r

    Anniversary  Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I'm a crazy over-preparer, but I'm also a FTM -- probably woulnd't have done such a good job if I was pregnant, working, AND chasing around a toddler!  Good luck -- hopefully you don't have much going on this weekend!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker   

    BabyFruit Ticker

    BabyFetus Ticker
  • We still don't have a place for baby to sleep, my bag isn't packed and we have purchased 0 diapers. The changing table is still in the basement.

    I'm planning to pack my bag tonight I got a little taste of L and D yesterday.
    BabyFruit Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I am going in on Monday to have my Csection and have nothing done lol. Still need to pack my bag and finish the nursery. I have been dragging my feet too long now I just have no energy to do anything lol
    BabyFetus Ticker Lilypie Pregnancy tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • imagenyki06:

    I am such a slacker, why did I put all of this off until I was this large and uncomfortable!?! I will be 38 weeks tomo

    The word you're looking for is SEX.  I promise.  No, it's not gender.  It's sex.  You're welcome.
  • I'll be 38 weeks on Monday and my bag is not packed yet. None of his clothes are put away, the nursery isn't finished, car seat isn't installed. I am almost finished with all the baby laundry and I placed a huge order on amazon yesterday to get the rest o




  • I have packed my bag but my house hasn't been deep-cleaned in a month and there are huge baskets of laundry. I just keep looking at them like they should fold and wash themselves. I have no desire to finish those last little things on my to-do list. None

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • I still need to pack my bag, too, but most of the things I wolud put in there, I'm still using. I am not about to pack away my yoga pants haha!! Otherwise, we still have some things on our to-do list, but I'm running out of things I can do alone, and DH i
    Image and video hosting by TinyPicImage and video hosting by TinyPicImage and video hosting by TinyPic
    AnniversaryBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I am not packing a bag until I'm in labor.  I am not planning to bring a lot of things and I know exactly what and where everything is that needs to be packed.  I didn't pack with DS either until it was time to go.  If I wasn't home befo

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