September 2013 Moms

How often do you use your doppler?

I know the risks aren't fully understood with long-term exposure. So I'm just curious, how often do you ladies use your doppler? Does your OB approve? (Still have yet to tell mine)

I'm trying not to use mine to often, but my PgAL brain kicks in and I tend to be using it about once every 4-5 days and I feel like I'm getting excessive.. and everytime I say I'm going to use it, my DF sighs and says why. I'm starting to feel guilty about using it =/
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BFP 1.5.13 - EDD 9.5.13 - Ysabella Sofia born 9.12.13
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Re: How often do you use your doppler?

  • I'm with you. About 1-2 times a week and I try to keep it brief.
    Me 33. DH 32. TTC Since 6/2011. 12/2012-m/c, CP. DH: MFI. CCT/HSG/day 3 blood work-all nl. IVF#1 ER- 8/7/12, ET- 8/10. beta 8/25 neg, I did not respond as expected. AMH: 0.88. IVF#2 BCP-10/19. Micro flare Lupron-Nov: It's a bust. IVF#3 Planned for Feb '13 with a long lupron protocol ON OUR OWN!!! BFP- 1/12/13. Yay! EDD 9/18, now EDD 9/25
  • Since I've been able to find the heartbeat regularly, just this week, I used it on Monday and today. I think I will try to only use it once a week from now on.
    May Siggy Challenge: Labor Memes

    Me:31 DH:32 Married 11/06/10
    DD: Born 8/23/13 (clomid+ovidrel+IUI)
    BFP 9/9/16 EDD 5/19/17

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  • With twins I am having an interesting time keeping track of which baby is which. Although I did find them in two very distinct spots today it still makes me nervous. This week has been the first week I have really attempted it on my own with the patience
  • imageSony22:
    I'm with you. About 1-2 times a week and I try to keep it brief.

    Same. I normally know where ba
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers

    BFP 1.5.13 - EDD 9.5.13 - Ysabella Sofia born 9.12.13
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  • I use mine once or twice a week. I don't use it for long when I do, just until I find the heartbeat and listen for a moment or two.

    I have mentioned mine to my doc, and they don't seem concerned, as long as I don't panic if I should be unable to

    BFP #1 8/25/12 EDD 4/28/13 Blighted Ovum, D&C 9/20/12 at 8w6d. I'll always remember the first one. My baby Grace. BFP #2 12/26/12 EDD 9/4/13. DS born 9/7/13. My sweet rainbow.
  • Some people have ultrasounds every week. And Doppler gets less 'is it safe' flak than ultrasounds!

    Fwiw, my OB welcomes his pregnant moms to come in for a hb check anytime they want, as often as they want. He told me that some women come in e
    January 2009: Goodbye TR (13 weeks) February 2010: Welcome DD1! March 2011: Welcome DD2! Lilypie Maternity tickers
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