Here are some things I'm thinking about that don't really need their own thread:
1. I think I have found the perfect use of my lunch break time: 40 minutes eating and reading, 20 minutes walking. It is so much better than sitting at my computer during it, and working on a campus, there are so many nice walking choices.
2. The artichokes in the pasta I got today were bad, I think. Yuck.
3. Threw up for real for the first time today, at 13 weeks. At 9 weeks I almost did, doing the same thing (gagging at something gross while flossing my teeth, haha), but this time I actually puked. Hopefully it's a one time thing.
What are your three things today?
Re: Three things on my mind
1. I really dislike my coworkers and wish I had a different job because of them
2. I am mad at my husband today, he comes from a family that like to take over things and he fell right into that pattern.
3. I got a new washer and dryer deliv
1) when craving gummi bears that doesn't mean I need to eat an entire bag, now I'm just nauseous
2) my town has a lot of great, local restaurants. But I still suggested meeting my friends at Houlihan's one town over because I want spinach &
1. I have a new obsession of buying girl clothes
2. I can't wait until the weather warms up and I can ENJOY being outside!
3. My new couch is so amazing and makes my living room look awesome.
2. DS is eating a picnic in the living room.... Aka having his snack on a blanket in the living room instead of in his high chair at the table.... a
1. It's our 5 year anniversary, so we're going out tonight.
2. Really hoping the roads clear up and it stops snowing so we CAN go out tonight.
3. This is the first time I've REALLY done my makeup and hair in a couple months.
2. I understand I'm not working but if my husband thinks he can go buy a new truck and not replace my wedding ring he is cray cray.
3.I cant wait for my a/s scan I'm dy
1. My autistic son just got signed up for horse riding therapy and starts in 3 weeks! So excited, he loved it last year.
2. I just scored a Britax Marathon 70 for $100! Awesome deal! I lucked out, I had been wanting one but couldn't justify them
Boy 7-11-2007 (has Autism),
Boy 2-26-2009 to 11-2-11 (had cancer at 4mo),
Boy 3-28-2011 (has Autism)
Girl 9-3-2013
Baby due 2-22-2016
2. I have sooooo much laundry to do today.
3. Why is it that whenever I have a craving, whatever I craved is nowhere as good as I imagined it would be?
2. I really wish I could get rid of the late afternoon/all night nausea!
3. I reall
1. I am very hungry but kind of being lazy and not wanting to start dinner.
2. I hope DH gets home on time today. I am slowly going crazy...
Yea, hes still not home and its past 6. I am pretty pissed about this actually...
3. Why you
1. I'm counting today as the first day of the 2nd trimester. So far I have only had morning dry heaves. I didn't actually throw up any stomach acid. I also haven't had any nausea return yet. This is a huge improvement!&nbs
1. I am craving Chinese food like crazy and am sad that we are focusing on paying off my credit card instead of eating out!
2. I absolutely hate working the late shift, even though its only an hour difference (9-6 instead of 8-5) it ma
1. I have TWO job interviews next week. One that I really want, and one that I don't want at all even though the money would be good.
2. I went shopping without a real list today at lunch time and spent over $100. I shouldn't have done that.
<BFP #1 8/25/12 EDD 4/28/13 Blighted Ovum, D&C 9/20/12 at 8w6d. I'll always remember the first one. My baby Grace. BFP #2 12/26/12 EDD 9/4/13. DS born 9/7/13. My sweet rainbow.
I know I am a day late but here goes:
1. I wish I didn't have to go to a funeral service for my husbands 96yo aunt that I only met once in a nursing home. The fact that it is raining and it is at nap time for my 3yo doesn't help encourage me to w