September 2013 Moms


Anyone else not purchased or received anything yet for the baby?  Yesterday was 16 weeks for me and I have bought nothing.  I have made a list but not registered and the people that keep asking I tell not to buy anything yet.  Am I in baby denial?  I think tomorrow might be the day since I am going out with my Mom. 

Re: Purchases

  • I will be 16 weeks on Monday and I haven't bought a thing for baby or any maternity clothes. I haven't even looked at registering or baby books on what I need.  You have plenty of time.


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  • 16w5d here and we haven't bought anything. MIL has brought over some outfits, but that's it. We went looking at Buy Buy Baby last weekend, but didn't get anything and not registered. One of my aunts is already asking about baby shower...


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  • I think it's normal. With my first, I waited until my 20 week scan to know the sex and then registered and shopped after that. I'm glad I waited a bit to give me something to do the last 20 weeks!
  • I have had 3 people offer to throw me a shower and 2 offer to help with a shower and I have kinda just put it off saying it's too soon to think about.  I am just not a "stuff" person and I really don't want baby things hanging out for 6 months before
  • Well, I'm only 13 weeks, but still have not bought anything either. From the looks of things, you are not alone!
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • I've bought a bunch of things already, but I'm team green (so no need to wait for the a/s), plus we aren't having a shower. I like to be prepared early and spread out large purchases. 

    I understand wanting to wait until the a/s so you can sh

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  • We have not bought one single thing, either.
  • I haven't purchased anything, but I am a STM.  I have purchased a couple maternity things because, although DS was also a Sept baby, I started showing a lot sooner and didn't have any cold weather clothes to wear.
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    *Parker Ryan*
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  • I haven't bought a thing either, but I'm aslo a STM. To be completely honest, I have zero interest in buying anything until after we find out the sex.



  • i haven't purchased anything either. work gave me a toy, and two snow suits, and a maternity top.. sil gave me breast pad things, but otherwise, i have nothing. oh.. and some one gave me a rock n play. i want to buy cribs and a dresser and a glider. reall
    BabyFruit Ticker BabyFetus Ticker we're having twins!
  • Nope
    January 2009: Goodbye TR (13 weeks) February 2010: Welcome DD1! March 2011: Welcome DD2! Lilypie Maternity tickers
  • Haven't bought a thing, but we have everything from DS so we don't really need much.
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  • I've bought all our cloth diapers, other than that I'm waiting. That's one of our larger expenses since our Ombudsman said the FRG is giving us a travel system (gift to all first time moms with deployment babies) in a few months and DH is making
  • Wow I am the total opposite. I have started buying and collecting baby stuff since the stick turned. I love baby shopping!!
  • I haven't bought anything for the baby yet. I have started a registry, mostly with the big stuff I have been researching. I have received some gender neutral baby clothes from my mom, sister and my aunt. 

    12/19/2012 BFP! 
    EDD 08/26/2013 
    Our little girl arrived 8/22/2013!

  • ksf13ksf13 member
    I'm just over 15w and I'm itching to buy something, but I'm making myself wait until we find out the sex. The only thing we have is an outfit that my brother-in-law got for us the day we announced to the family. He's got his mind set that we're havin
    BabyFruit Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • the only reason I did was because I had a twins sale, and knew it was my only chance to get stuff that cheap, and safety inspected, before the twins arrive.
    there has been no other shopping
    Eat your food people. You are pregnant, not made of glass. ~PrimRoseMama
    The Benes Boys were born 9/3/13! woooo
  • we won't buy anything for the baby until we know what we're having. We did that with the other 2 as well.
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  • I have not bought anything other than a peter rabbit beanie that is gender neutral from baby gap. Hopefully this week we will find out the sex and then I can do a little shopping but I will most likely wait until after our shower before I buy anything big

    BFP#1.11/2/12-EDD 7/16/13-M/C.11/6/12
    BFP#2 1/2/13 EDD 9/13/13 DS#2 8/19/13!


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  • I bought a pair of maternity jeans and shorts, the belly book, a thanksgiving onesie on clearance, some cheap valentines clothes on clearance from Target (3 skirts and a dress for under $3), and ergo (again super cheap on gilt, but I used it for work),

    R&K married 4.15.11. TTC #1 since 7.11.12

    BFP #1 9.9.12 EDD 5.21.13 c/p 9.12.12 at 4 weeks 1 day

    BFP #2 10.15.12 EDD 6.28.13 c/p 10.19.12 at  4 weeks.

    BFP #3 1.19.13 EDD 10.1.13 Eleanor born 10.7.13 at 40 weeks 6 days

    13dpo hcg@32, progesterone@13.7, 15dpo hcg@110, 16dpo progesterone@25.9

    My blog:Urban Times in Michigan ~ My Bfp Chart

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  • I have bought one thing. A craft on Etsy to use as our mobile in the nursery. I've also bought one maternity outfit, for Easter.

    Otherwise, haven't bought anything or received anything except a copy of What to Expect When You're Expecting. I pla

    BFP #1 8/25/12 EDD 4/28/13 Blighted Ovum, D&C 9/20/12 at 8w6d. I'll always remember the first one. My baby Grace. BFP #2 12/26/12 EDD 9/4/13. DS born 9/7/13. My sweet rainbow.
  • Got crib at 8 weeks and a little pumpkins hat at 14 weeks, and few days ago some gender neutral winter stuff on sale at old navy and gap. My whole I life I have said I should b a personal shopper for babies now that I'm having my own I'm itching to shop!!
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  • I had to buy a couple new bras (hello, DDDs) and I also got some maternity jeans that I kinda love. Yesterday I pre-ordered the 2013 Baby Bargains book. That's it. 
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