What are the favorite diapers in your stash (whether you've actually used them already or not)? Why do you love them so?
I got some ecoposh fitteds in the mail last night and holy crap are they soft. I'm a little bummed they're NB size, because we'll only be able to use them a few weeks. They do have an excellent resale value, though, which is nice.
I also super-love my Itti Bittis (I have the tuttos, d'lish, and boos). They're my Muppet-butt diapers.
Re: CD mamas
I forgot pics! Here is an ecoposh:
and here is an Itti Bitti:
<img src=
I'm super excited to try out our prefolds and covers (all covers, really). We only used boring BGs with Charlie, but this time we have all kinds of different ones to try. I have a newborn Rumparooz cover that's going to be her "going home diaper" and I
Ginny DX 21-Hydroxylase Deficiency Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia
Charlie DX Specific Antibody Deficiency & ASD
Ginny DX 21-Hydroxylase Deficiency Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia
Charlie DX Specific Antibody Deficiency & ASD
Ginny DX 21-Hydroxylase Deficiency Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia
Charlie DX Specific Antibody Deficiency & ASD
BFP #1: 08/17/2012 DD1 born 05/01/2013
BFP #2: 07/31/2015 M/C 09/23/2015 (11.5 weeks)
We used sposies for about the first month and then switched to cloth last time. The OS were big on him, but I just put him in bigger onesies and it wasn't a big deal.
My favorites by far are the Flip diapers. If they just wet y
We have NB covers and prefolds - my favorite is a Blueberry, but I only have one of those - every NB cover I have is a different brand.
I have bought a couple of pockets for after NB stage - Imagine, Alva, Bumkins. I am trying to build that
Little Sister on the Way 04/23/2013
Little Sister on the Way 04/23/2013
Ginny DX 21-Hydroxylase Deficiency Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia
Charlie DX Specific Antibody Deficiency & ASD
I don't have much for super fancy dipes in our stash right yet - I'm waiting to find out boy/girl before I order the cute gender-specific prints. And a lot of my diapers are handmade (by me), so also not very fancy.
This is one of my favorites,
Gosh that's a tough call. I literally have a little bit of EVERYTHING. I think I may have gotten too much variety because for the most part, I only have 1-2 of any particular brand/diaper, so matching up inserts to their cover or pocket is
Tyler (10/29/08)
and Lily (4/21/13)
Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
Ginny DX 21-Hydroxylase Deficiency Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia
Charlie DX Specific Antibody Deficiency & ASD
I scored some Lotus Bunz on Zulily about a month ago. This pair is definitely my favorite https://www.lotusbumz.com/bicycles-lotus-bumz-exclusive-collection/
We are team green for now, but you best believe that if baby is a girl, she is getti
Little Sister on the Way 04/23/2013
Ginny DX 21-Hydroxylase Deficiency Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia
Charlie DX Specific Antibody Deficiency & ASD
re converting prefolds to fitteds
I just Googled until I found a free pattern. Then I tweaked it until I loved it. Sewing gave me a great outlet for my nervous energy during those scary early weeks of pregnancy.
Converting t