Cloth Diapering

When did your Flip covers start to fit?

I have several Flip covers and I'm trying to figure out at what age/weight these will start to fit.

(We're going camping at ca. 4 months, and I'd like to use Flip covers with their disposable inserts instead of just using sposies the entire time, but I was looking at one last night and even on the smallest setting, it looked BIG.)

The word you're looking for is SEX.  I promise.  No, it's not gender.  It's sex.  You're welcome.

Re: When did your Flip covers start to fit?

  • Mine have been fitting DS since like a month, month and a half old. About the same time as his BGs.
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  • imageNana_Osaki06:
    Mine have been fitting DS since like a month, month and a half old. About the same time as his BGs.</div
    The word you're looking for is SEX.  I promise.  No, it's not gender.  It's sex.  You're welcome.
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  • Mine say 8lbs but I dont have outside babies to judge that by.
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  • I recently got some flip covers used and they fit my 3 month old great.  He is roughly 14-15 lbs.  (we go Mon for 3 month apt).

    His BG's fit when he was about a month old. 10 lbs-ish.

  • Mine fit by the time she outgrew her lil joeys, about 6 weeks? She's 11lbs 10oz, 14 weeks and is just reaching where I can leave one snap showing. I still only use them over fitteds though because the explosive poops go right to the cover with any insert
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  • We started using ours around 11 pounds.
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  • We started using our Flips at 7 weeks. I forget how much DS weighed by then, but he's pretty medium sized baby.
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