Cloth Diapering

Which prefolds?

I've finally decided I definitely want to use prefolds with covers. I'm registering at BRU and probably Amazon. Is the OsoCozy brand pretty great? Seems easiest to find. What should I consider when it comes to bleached vs unbleached? The better fit style prefolds don't need to be folded down in back like regular size which seems nice, but I understand the gold in back can help catch newborn explosive poos. Thoughts?
Feeling like a big bloated hormonal whale of a tale. It's awesome.

Re: Which prefolds?

  • I have the Imagine Smart Fit from Nicki's Diapers and love them. Having to fold down prefolds would be bulky or lumpy.  You can contain the newborn poo perfectly well using the jelly roll fold, Snappi, and a good double gusseted cover. I personally l
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  • I have the Better Fit OsoCozy prefolds with the purple trim and so far we have loved them! They fit great in our covers. I only usually trifold or jelly roll, though, I never use snappis, and I feel like a size bigger would be good if I did. My DD is just
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  • imageRachelM05:
    I have the Better Fit OsoCozy prefolds with the purple trim and so far we have loved them! They fi
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  • I used OsoCozy size 1 prefolds with DD and loved them. Folding them down wasn't a big deal and it was nice to have PFs that fit for a reasonably long time.

    Bleached v unbleached is really a matter of preference. I've used both kinds and find that

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