Cloth Diapering

Concentrated Bleach?

I recently went to buy a new jug of bleach and noticed that all the Clorox bottles said "Now more concentrated!" on the packaging.  Anyone have any idea what that means for using with your CD wash?  I had been using 1/4 cup - if it's more concentrated, would you use less than that now?
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Re: Concentrated Bleach?

  • I think it is twice as concentrated. I compared my old and new bottles and it looks like now you are supposed to use half as much. So I use 1/8 cup now instead of 1/4.

    It was kind of sneaky the way they did that though, right? I bet a lot
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    DD1 - july 2008
    DD2 - may 2010
    DS - sept 2012
  • I hate the new concetrated.  To me is smells so much stronger.  I had it eat through a couple cloth wipes too. 
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