September 2013 Moms

Azo Standard

Hi ladies. I have a condition called IC which causes bladder infection-like symptoms sometimes. I've been really miserable today, and wondering if anyone knows anything about taking Azo while pregnant. I do planned to get checked for a UTI if the symptoms persist tomorrow, but today I am assuming it is due to my IC, and would really like to take some Azo to ease the discomfort
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Re: Azo Standard

  • My OB said absolutely do not take any OTC uti relief meds.
    January 2009: Goodbye TR (13 weeks) February 2010: Welcome DD1! March 2011: Welcome DD2! Lilypie Maternity tickers
  • Hi could you please tell me the full name for IC?  A friend of mine has similar symptoms and maybe she has this condition but doesn't know it.  Thanks!
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  • I don't know anything about Azo.  Cranberry juice and supplements are pregnancy-safe and effective.
    Boy 10.6.13
    Labored at freestanding birth center using hypnobirthing techniques
    Delivered via csection
  • IC is interstitial cystitis
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