April 2013 Moms

Induction Next Friday!!

So my OB was surprised that I have not gone into labor yet been dilated 3 cm at 36 wk 4 cm today 38 wk. So since my cervixs has been ready for 3 weeks now, OB said she will induce next week Friday 39 weeks!!! It is scary and exciting all in one!! Knowing that we will meet out daughter no later than next Friday is so crazy!!

Anyone have any pointers for an induction??

Re: Induction Next Friday!!

  • No pointers but I'm also 38 wks today and being induced next week -- I'll go in Thursday night to start the process, at 39 weeks. I'm preeclampsic so this baby is getting evicted! Exciting!
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    BabyFruit Ticker

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  • exciting!!!!!!   best of luck!
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  • Best wishes!
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  • imageksyburg16:
    So my OB was surprised that I have not gone into labor yet been dilated 3 cm at 36 wk 4 cm today 38 wk. So since my ce
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Not PreE. OB said with the progress that I have made that an induction at this time is reasonable with minimal risks and that she is hoping I go naturally before.
  • It may be worth it to do nipple stimulation and/or acupuncture to try to start labor before your induction date. Medication free induction is often less painful.

    FWIW, ACOG has changed it's statement on induction recently. Based on Evidenc

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • So exciting! I will be induced at 39 weeks as well and can't believe how soon I will meet my little one!
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