Last Tuesday I posted that I went to my doctors appt and had my BP was 184/103 or something along those lines. I was sent to the hospital right away and had to stay for a few days. I was discharged on Sunday on strict bedrest. I have mild to moderate pre-eclamsia and I'm going to get induced next Monday or Tuesday. They are trying to get me to 37 weeks. So far my BP levels have been good this week. I finished another 24 hour urine yesterday and waiting for a call on those results. Two weeks ago my protein levels were at 255 which was good. Last week it spike to 429. Hoping this week hasn't gone up so baby can cook a few more days. If it shows another big spike, I'll be sent to the hospital to deliver tomorrow.
On a side note, bed rest and nesting don't mix. lol I am going crazy. I've managed to get all ready for baby but this house is in serious need of a good mopping and poor BF just doesn't do it like I do. haha. But he is trying
Re: Update on T's & P's from last week
My BFP Chart