High BP and Protein in Urine
My turn - just came from my 38 week appointment - "some protein" (OB's words) in my urine and BP of 138/87. Doctor had me lie on my left side for ten minutes. BP went down to 122/82. She told me to take it easy and if I have headaches, increased swelling, blurry vision, dizziness, to call.
Not sure of the purpose of this post - I guess I'm hoping to hear from other people who have dealt with this - could you call it "borderline" pre-e or the start of pre-e?
I'm just very overwhelmed right now. With everything. I've been extremely lucky to have basically a "textbook pregnancy" with absolutely no issues and here I'm so close and I'm exhausted and stressed out and uncomfortable. The whole not knowing when this baby is going to come is starting to get to me too. (I know there is nothing I can do about it so I need to deal with that.) How do you STM+ moms deal with this late pregnancy nonsense along with taking care of a child??? My husband and I are starting to get on each others' nerves too. He's so incredibly supportive and does so much for me and around the house but lately, dumb, little things he does are just grating on me.
I'm done. Thanks for the vent.
Re: High BP and Protein in Urine
Casie - I just read your post. Good luck and I hope that everything stays OK.
I think a small part of me was hoping that my BP would stay high and I would need to be induced. That's definitely not what I want and I want to keep everything as natu
I'm also dealing with borderline BP and protein. I should get my 24 hr urine results back tomorrow. My normally low BP has been staying in the 120's over 80's. not super high but enough to warrant a PIH diagnosis and further testing. I also have GD and
My BP has been really high at my last two appointments and I have a lot of swelling in my feet and hands. I totally understand what you are saying and I really just want this pregnancy to be done and my baby to be here. I am tired on lying on the couch